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Thursday, December 15, 2005

"gaming insanity"

Image hosted by Photobucket.comomg...i'm lost in my 'cyber world'... throughout the holidae i had beening starting more and more online games... i been playing silkroad online, ro, rakion, thang online, gunz, do online, maple story etc...... havent been sleeping well recently...some of u might notice that u nvr see me online in the morning and that is becoz i was playing game at 5am and slept till afternoon..hehexx..... well, yesterday sumthing happen... i think i'm probably too tired... when i am playing maple..i thought i was play ro...and i keep press the wrong key... and omg... i forgot which control is for which game... and i keep dying and dying.... i mean in the game... i even forgot which game got which city... haha... and my whole day is spend chionging my chars... haha... so i think i better quit some of the game first b4 i get stucked to my 'cyber world'... and here i'm going to thank mrs lim for telling me cyber world's stuff and so on even though i didnt listen to her... haha...

Image hosted by Photobucket.comopps..i think i better stick to my basketball...

Thursday, December 08, 2005

holidae so boring~

i'm so bored...bball court is under renovation...nth to do at home...i'm a lonely guy....haha...feel like going to kbox....would anyone accompany me? but i doubt so haha...i'm such a lousy person...lousy temper..and now with lousy mood...nth in my life seem to be going smoothly...i'm sick and tired of living in this world.. being thinking of commiting suicide..
Xx Am i suffering from depression? xX

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

my very first blog~

hihi everyone..haha...this is my very first blog..didnt really noe how to blog yet..haha..still exploring...hope this blog wont make all of u too boring~